store front window displaying mechanical sculpture exhibitstore front window displaying mechanical sculpture exhibit

Most of the sculptures below painted into a local storefront mock up, exact size

wooden sailboat with steam powered wingswooden sailboat with steam powered wings
Ferris wheel ride mounted on old truckFerris wheel ride mounted on old truck
steam engine pulling road train circus of doctor joesteam engine pulling road train circus of doctor joe
pterodactyl ceiling sculpturepterodactyl ceiling sculpture
railroad circus car with worlds largest octopusrailroad circus car with worlds largest octopus
parlor mechanical Ferris wheel sculptureparlor mechanical Ferris wheel sculpture
ww1 airplane mechanical rideww1 airplane mechanical ride
steampunk zeppelinsteampunk zeppelin
giraffe pulled circus wagon buying and selling timegiraffe pulled circus wagon buying and selling time
sideshow with dragon boysideshow with dragon boy
traveling creep show ride in haunted housetraveling creep show ride in haunted house

About the sculptures

The steel used is A.C Gilbert and Meccano vintage erector set parts. Old toys and parts, along with antique furniture, Copper, brass, feathers, baked clay, cloths and ceramics round out most of the rest. Everything is hand painted. Some have motors, lights and sound.

Pieces with stands come off for table top display